Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group (BtH) is an independent, non-profit think-and-do tank specialized in violent extremism, radicalisation and terrorism. BtH produces articles and conducts seminars, panels and workshops on security and counter-terrorism with its in-house expertise. “Terrorism, Conflict & Peace Studies” is one of the three research departments of BtH that will also lead this project.

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, the oldest operation catholic university in the world, belongs to the top 50 universities in the world (Times Higher Education). Two entities of this university will take part in this project for Catholic and Jewish content:

  • The Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies belongs to the top 10 of the school in Theology, Divinity and Religious Studies in the world. The research of the Faculty centers around historical-critical, hermeneutical, empirical and practical-theological methods, all of which play a role in the formation of teachers in religious education.
  • The Institute for Philosophy is worldwide famous for its research on Husserl (Husserl Archives) and  on Medieval Philosophy (Centre Dewulf-Mansion). It also has a chair of Jewish. The research is centered on Ethics and Political Philosophy, the History of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Logics and Philosophy of Science, Analytical and Continental Philosophy.

Centre of Expertise for Intellectual Reformation, Research and Advice (CIRRA) is an independent centre founded by dedicated and highly educated advisors and experts in intercultural and Islam-related topics from different disciplines. The centre pursues a broader view of research and consultancy through innovation and diversity, so that it can understand – in a comprehensive manner – how research opportunities, the well-being and success of individuals can be stimulated in the long term. CIRRA focuses on the following themes: Radicalism & social alienation; Identity, citizenship & diversity; Youth, education & pedagogy; and Care & Well-being. The centre strives to contribute to the personal development of individuals and groups.

Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (ETF) vzw is a Flemish higher education institution in Leuven, recognized and subsidized by the Flemish Government to offer NVAO accredited academic degrees, conduct research and offer academic services in the field of theology and religious studies.

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology has gained extensive experience in the field of ethics and values education and has leading researchers in ethics and pedagogic are working closely together in order to combine the recent development in the field of ethics with the integrative and relational pedagogic that stresses the role of experiential learning. It a has so far been the lead partner in two large international projects on ethics education, namely project ETHOS: Ethical education primary and pre-primary schools for a sustainable and dialogic future and Erasmus+ project ETHIKA Ethics and values education in schools and kindergartens.

Volos Academy for Theological Studies (VOTS) ―a Church related institution founded in 2000, and recognized in 2014 as Research Center by the Greek Ministry of Education and Research― functions in parallel as an open forum for thought and dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the broader scholarly community of intellectuals worldwide, focusing on a modern/post-modern agenda for Orthodox theology, and on topics such as Orthodoxy and Secularization, Orthodoxy and Human Rights, Inter-Christian and Inter-Religious dialogue, Political theology, Feminist theology, Religious and Cultural Pluralism, Religious nationalism and fundamentalism, Inclusive religious education, Religious literacy, and more.

Aristotle University is one of most prominent universities in Greece and among the well-known universities world-wide with many international programs and research collaborations around the world. The School of Pastoral and Social Theology focuses on Orthodox theology with particular emphasis on practical theology, the training of religion teachers for Secondary Education schools and members of Orthodox clergy in Greece and the Balkans. Apart from Greek Orthodox students it also attracts students from other Orthodox countries and Europe and through its curriculum it promotes interdisciplinary co-operations, ecological ethics, and interreligious dialogue.

Lapino Albino transforms messages or communication into videos and easy to love animations with its passionate audiovisual storytellers and experts. Their skills and know-how come from many years of experience which are recognized and awarded at Cannes Corporate Media and TV awards in 2014, 2015 and 2017.
ARISCON is a dynamic and enthusiastic IT company excelled in data science/analysis, web and application development. ARISCON also supports developing online automated predictive tools based on machine learning and statistics to improve the products, processes, and services by analyzing all possible data sources.
Nuorten Muslimien Foorumi (NMF) is a nationwide non-profit organization for young Muslims living in Finland. The aim of the organization is to foster the well-being of Finnish Muslim youth from diverse background. The organization supports Muslim youth and offers them the ground to grow. NMF has expertise in prevention of violent extremism (PVE), counter narrative and alternative activities and delivered several successful PVE projects helping young individuals and their families, and gaining a valuable work experience

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Internal Security Fund — Police under grant agreement No: 871090.